How It Works

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Australian Traffic Offenders Program

How Does the program Work?

The award-winning Australian Traffic Offenders Program (ATOP) is one of Australia’s leading local intervention programs that assist offenders by developing positive attitudes through an informative and engaging online course.

Participants are encouraged to confront the consequences of dangerous driving with the goal of providing attendees with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop safer driving habits.

The program offers a way to deter people from speeding, drug driving, drunk driving and other similar offences.

Please scroll down for further information on enrolment and course details.


Qualified Expert Instructors


Over Years of Experience


Course Participants

Why choose Australian traffic offenders?

18 Years of Experience
We have dealt with thousands of traffic offenders over the years. Do you have a question, feel free to call our friendly staff
Change your mindset
Educate yourself on the consequences of traffic offending to change your mindset and not reoffend.
Self Paced Program Online 24/7
Complete when it suits you around your work, lifestyle, family commitments.
Affordable Price
Enrol now, get started straight away.
Facial Recognition Software
We are the only program in Australia with facial recognition software. We know who is really completing the program. Magistrates are aware of our software.
Great client support
Need assistance? Have a question? Call our friendly staff for assistance.

Meet our specialists

A word from company owner

Since the original program’s inception in 2006, I have had the privilege of being involved in helping thousands of clients across Australia. Some came voluntarily, others were ordered by different referral agencies.  One thing that each and every client has in common is the realisation that eventually we must take responsibility for any action that causes others harm.  Choices have consequences.

Even after 18 years of service in the road safety education industry, I still gain great recognition in knowing that each client leaves our program with a true measure realisation that by a slight adjustment of perspective, lives can be saved in our communities.

Lara Hickling

Director / Co-Founder / Entrepreneur

Lara Hickling

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