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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Isaac S.

“I have taken a lot out of this course, and have come to understand how dangerous it is to drink and drive even at a low range, I realise now that the cost, risk of life is not worth even having a couple of beers and driving.

If I were to be killed or seriously injured and I had to miss out on being a parent to my son, miss out on all the things that I love to do I would be devastated cause I know I have the best years ahead of me. If I was to kill or seriously injure another person I could not live with myself.

It has shown me that my attitude was all wrong and clearly was making the wrong choices. There really are no excuses. I don’t need to take my car, if I choose to drink then there is plenty of safe options of transport to get places. The amount of people that this affects is not fair and I don’t want to be the cause of that.”

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Janeen D.

I really don’t know where to start. This course has had a profound effect on me. To be honest, I didn’t really know what it would entail, and I was very apprehensive as to what it could reveal to me that I didn’t already know….”

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Testimonial Traffic Offenders

Alex S.

“QTOP has really opened up my eyes as to the responsibilities and privileges that I have in holding a Driver’s Licence. It has made me aware of how my actions can not only affect me but have a ripple effect among victims, Emergency Services Personnel, family, friends, and even whole communities.

Having a Driver’s Licence is a privilege and offers me freedom and the ability to live my life and go to work……”

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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Warren C.

“This course has definitely opened my eyes and refreshed my memory to all the negative aspects of driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs. I am disappointed in myself realising there are safer options when socialising. I found the program motivated me to want to do the right thing, within the community, for my wife and family…”

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Lawson G.

“Overall, I found this course very refreshing and educational on the topic of road safety. It has given excellent explanations of a variety of topics when looking at road safety in general, trauma to communities and aspects of the law which I now accept, and respect are enforced solely to prevent much more severe outcomes….”

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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Nancy N.

“Program was excellent, this whole program changed my way of thinking, it was so valuable and helpful. Thank you to all the presenters. Highly recommend this program.”

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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Andrew P.

“I thought I was a good driver until I attended this program. It made me aware of a lot of things I either forgot or took for granted which will definitely make me a better driver in the future. I wouldn’t change a thing in this program.”

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David L.

“This road safety program made a huge impact on me and I am sure everyone else here. It made me examine myself, my attitude, my life. I would recommend this program to everyone that has a licence, young or old. I am leaving this program a better person than when I first walked in.

Thank you.”

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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Alana A.

“I am so grateful for the Queensland Traffic Offenders Program as I have learnt so much and have now become so aware of the serious consequences that can occur due to negligence when you choose to operate a vehicle.

I am remorseful for the erratic decision I made under the influence of alcohol and fuelled by emotion that I allowed to take over. I am so grateful that I was fortunate that I did not cause injury or death to myself or anyone else.

If this had of happened I would not be able to live with myself to have caused that much pain and sorrow to others. This program has made me realise that we are not invincible and that operating a vehicle is a serious responsibility not only for yourself but to others on the road…”.

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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Joanne H.

“I have found the QTOP to be a very valuable educational resource for me. I am very out of date with my understanding of driver safety practices, such as the no drink = no driving recommendation. I have been operating off very outdated recommendations such as one drink per hour and waiting longer before entering a car. I do not choose……”

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Traffic Offenders Program Testimonial

Elizabeth K.

“After completing the QTOP course, I have learnt how the effects of drugs and alcohol while operating a car can have life-changing consequences for both myself and those around me.

After listening to four different perspectives and completing the workbooks I will never forget some of the stories I’ve heard and the important lessons I’ve learnt. After undergoing this program, I feel as though I look at the road differently and have a new-found awareness of just how important it is not only for myself but others around me to be aware and vigilant while driving.

This course has firmly cemented the importance of good decision-making and has certainly opened my eyes to all the horrific incidents that can happen on our roads.”

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